They say, a goal has to be realistic.
While now that I'm far away from him, I took sometimes off to roughly scribble down and things I'd love to do next time I see his handsome most amazing face.( this is, by a mutual agreement of course.)
1) Jalan-jalan in Melaka square.
Picture a white, cozy utterly relaxed and loose bf's t-shirt with a pair of bright coloured flat sandles. He in his charming shorts. Gosh, my heart jumps a little.

2) Roller-blading in park.

yep, just like that! =P
3) Jogging in tracksuit.

4) Teman kamu study for final year exam in UTP's sleek, fancy library.

Better still, I have plenty of room to dream.
This is a quick example, in which distance, can bring people closer.
Till then *___*
CINTA...haha...yeahhh...make sure sume plan ni jln k...iAllah bile d temukn,jumpa le bit disagree ngan awk kejut sy gi jogging...bukan tiap2 kali sy yg kejut awk??hehe
awwwww....comel lah patna!!! tibe2 rase kene wat list gk pe nk wat ngn acap...hahaha
mgade ah! sya, how come i cant view ur blog?
cinta: slame ni usaha sy kejut awak sia2 je la kan?XD
haha...ok2..gurau2 la..mmg la awk slalu kejut saya...xkn la laki2 kene kejut pmpn kn...
love u!
wait, love ca sometimes bend the rule kan?xD
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