Sunday, 27 March 2011

Colour parade.

at 13:31
Hello there,

If only you've ever met me, for the last few years, i bet you can agree if i say, 80% of my clothes consist of many layers of black. From my hijab to the very pants -a pitch black. I love colours, or more accurately I used to adore colours, only, not on me.

I find it hard for me to mixed and matched things so that they click. Even when i do, it has taken me forever before i come to the final conclusion. So tired of trying, black offers a perfect gateway. Nothing can ever go wrong with black, or so to speak.

My mom is the one person on earth who comfortably wears colour as if it is her skin. Stepping into her wardrobe, you'll find many shades of blue, green, red, all superimposed one another but never redundant. She can just walk in into the shop knowing which colour of scarf that perfectly suit her baju kurung in which she bought 3 months ago without any help from any external virtual image device. She blends it so well that it is never ever boring to see. As if she has a photo-memory specializing in colours.

Unlike that, I always put a restriction on what colour suits me, and what don'ts. My boyfriend do mention from time to time that I need to wear more cheerful and 'confident-colour' as he puts it. He said i look lovely in colour. I was too fond of black(or grey or dark brown) that forgot why won't I wear coloured clothes (or hijab) in the first place.

Only these past few weeks i thought I'd give it a try. I wear more light and bright hijab (you have NO idea how much strength an courage it required!)- merely to step out of my comfort zone. As for people around me, some responded well, but others think i look weird. And maybe because it has taken a lot of courage out of me that even a slightest sheepish-grinned of disapproval from my friend tempted me to back to black. Allodynic-pain due to otherwise non-painful stimuli. Prejudice aside, I decide to give it sometime for the thought of me in bright colour to settle.

Maybe, just maybe, a change in colour can somewhat help me to be less rigid in the way i view things around me.

So, now tell me, which colour that is best suit you, and make you radiate your best-self?

Much love <3


-eD- on 29 March 2011 at 11:56 said...


what colour best suit you?
COlourful one i would say..bcoz ur fair skin will not give problem if u put colourful dress on...

Yet, s u say ur environment hold u back..why bother in the first place??x pyh pikir ape org kate..drg jeles, bkn nye pelik

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