Girls care about their weight more than you think they did. I grew up with 5 sisters, surrounded with friends in courtship stage, I know. To be honest, I didn't exactly care about what i shoved down my belly. But now, it seems like that's all I can talk about. Don't tell me, you never come up to your first female friend, all ashamed while guiltily confessing to her about the big portion of luscious creamy cheesecake you had after fried-fatty dinner last night, as if she could undo the whole situation.
Sometimes i wonder when do i become this conscious of becoming overweight. Whether or not had i gone too far.
I believe life is all about living in stages. I used to be obsessed about what style of hijab that will flatter my chubby face, now i can finally(and gladly!) say i'm over it.
I hope too, this obsession doesn't lasts.
That I will find a point or a certain balance to both enjoy the God- given meal on my plate and not constantly preoccupied with the thought of putting fat on my body every time i took a bite.
Refused to further deprive myself of being too conscious, here's some pictures of me trying to find my own way around it. Should you wish to try, I'd be happy to feed you, given that you live nearby that is!

Till then!
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