Yes, i love taking pictures. NO, i'm not even close to photogenic. It really is hard to capture moment. My group mate, Andre at one point annoyed by my habit of constant need for taking picture. He said, you guys just love to take picture and upload it in facebook so that you can rub it in other people's face on what a wonderful life you led.
Do we? Is that all?
It does makes me ponder for a minute there.
We go out. taking pictures, all dolled up, can we deny we don't even feel a slightest intention of showing the world that we're living a wonderful life surrounded by many friends?
When i went to Paris with my boyfriend, I too felt the pressure of taking beautiful picture of the same place with the same pose over and over to get it 'right'.
Does it drives my beloved boyfriend crazy? YES!
He said, sayang, enough picture, can we now enjoy the moment?
Maybe we are living in the period of taking good photo first, enjoy it later when people give positive comment on facebook.
When i was in Portugal with my best friend Filipa, her dad took us on tour and personally volunteer to be our photographer and he made a rule that no one gets to look at the picture taken and I can only see them for the first time when i get back home. He took a courtesy of burning them into CD and write a sweet note onto them.
It's amazing how fast things have changed. I remember getting all excited going to pick up pictures from the photo shop and giggling over while browsing them in the back of the car on the way home. Actually holding them.
Free from pressure of taking picture at the same place with the same pose at the same time over and over to get it 'right'.
We can't change the way things are. But we can have both memorable (in true sense) and worth gawking at pictures if we can pause, grasps the feeling- because happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

haha...after diz i will use the same way s filipa's dad way we both can enjoy our trip...luv u
omj!!! aaaaaah!! no no (shaking head wit disbelief)
nape??xyah ssh2 beli slr...beli camera berfilem je...ade jual lg erk?
polaroid hariz ade la syg. hehe. ok, nnt kte cr blk cam tu
haha...xpe2...its ur dream to own 1...the go for it ok...nice pic though...comel gile...wlpn tiap2 ari mmg paling comel
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