Thursday, 18 November 2010
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Random chat.
Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.
A- once - admission essaY.
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. Medicine is my choice, my destiny, my goal to be accomplished.
I know the journey is never going to be easy. Many times I have been reminded of the sacrifices to be made upon entering medical school. Forgoing the exciting life as a teen and giving up social enjoyment, I was told, was not an easy task. Somehow, I never fail to come up with the same reason. Picturing the life-changing moments and the difficulties that I could do better, knowing that I made a difference, have brought me this far. True, this reality had made me aware that medicine is a multi-faceted profession with a hectic schedule but seeing endurance in every personnel in the medical field observed from my attachments at the hospital, had taught me the meaning of perseverance and determination, all in the name of passion. And I dream to be part of it.
Throughout the days I had spent in the hospital, my love for medicine grew. What I saw had impressed upon me the intense yet fulfilling nature of work in medicine. However, what humbled me during my attachments was knowledge about medicine alone, is not enough to make a good doctor. Good communication skills, which bud with a smile and bloom into good rapport with patients are vital not only to make patients feel confident in fighting their illnesses, but also to tackle the very source of their problems.
I have come to realize that the beauty of medicine is not about fighting death, for death never waits, but the relationship that I’m about to implore with the patients entrusting me to help ease if not alleviate, their pain with all the commitment, compassion, candor and common sense that I can offer. I view medicine as a way to bond science with my compassionate nature. Medicine offers the opportunity to live a fulfilling, rewarding life dedicated to helping others in need, with hope to at least make other people realize the value of life after coming out of the dark world of pain. This thorough understanding will make me an asset to my community; a meaningful part of society; dignified for the right reasons.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
bear wit me.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Saturday, 6 November 2010
With every leaf falls..

It's autumn again.